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What's Behind A Dance Exam?

Writer's picture: Carnaby School of DanceCarnaby School of Dance

What’s behind Dance Exams?

The syllabus for each Grade/Level is designed to help dancers develop their technique at a safe pace in order to prevent injuries. Forcing flexibility or strength components before a dancer’s body is ready can have serious long-term effects.

Other factors in consideration as part of the process are maturity level, comprehension capability, attention span, motor skills and coordination.

Exams are designed to motivate and encourage students of all ages and levels of ability, through a systematic measurement of progress and attainment.

The benefits of a Dance Exam

Exams provide students with an important and achievable goal to work towards. By achieving those goals we often see a remarkable boost in self-confidence – something we all need from time to time!

Studying for a Dance Exam also promotes discipline and commitment within the Studio environment; a skill benefiting more than just the dance world!

Naturally students can be nervous about taking an Exam but from experience, all students blossom in confidence and end up looking forward to future Examinations.

What’s involved in a Dance Exam?

All Carnaby School of Dance students are exceptionally well prepared for their Exams. Students will take their Exam in small groups of 4 or 5 (sometimes up to 8 when children are younger), and they are always held at a local Studio that students are familiar with, so that they feel safe, secure and able to present their work just as they have practised. All Pre-Primary & Primary students will also have their teacher in the Exam with them, so it’s just like a regular class!

All our Ballet, Tap and Jazz Exams are run through both the RAD and ISTD, whose warm and welcoming Examiners aim to provide the best experience for all of our dancers.

A Senior Examiner in America conveyed our thoughts on the benefits of Examinations perfectly when she stated that:

“Having been a teacher for over 38 years, I am constantly blown away by how much a student's individual technique can grow when they are working on Exam goals. Of course, weekly unset classes are an important part of a student's dance education, as well as regular performances, but it is in the memorising of intricate syllabus steps, breaking them down, refining the musicality and style, repeating the sequences regularly in class over a period of time so that they can really master all the components (on both sides not just your good leg!) that really develops strong, all rounded and disciplined dancers.”

From experience, students always end up seeing Exams as positive life experience/s and they are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate children reaching important dance milestones!

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